Artemis Skye offers a variety of items:
1. Website copy editing: I work as a freelance copy editor for small businesses.
I enjoy the process of interviewing the client to get a feel for their personality and then we make that shine through on their website
or advertising campaign. Let me know if I can assist you in making your brand more... well, you. Contact me for details.
2. Custom Poetry: Follow the process of a custom piece ( which will be blogged from time to time)
It starts with the consultation and listening to the story of the client. I take that energy still fresh in my mind and heart and the process of putting it together begins. Selecting the right paper, fonts, colors, and unique embellishments as I'm forming the words to create a beautiful one of a kind lifetime keepsake of heartfelt memories. A truly special gift.
3. Poetry Recreations: If a piece of mine speaks to your heart, I will gladly recreate an original copy for you. All my poetry, prose, and quote recreations are original copies, either typed or printed up by me with signature. I love to include handmade and unique embellishments to make it uniquely yours. All pieces are limited editions and numbered pieces. Contact me to get your piece.
4. I am currently writing a book (duhn duhn duhnnn) Due out Next Fall. I will keep you updated as to the status of this first time undertaking, which is currently both a fun and crazy ride.
5. Enjoy a few minutes of escape. Read from the Gallery of writings and quotes or listen to video posts in Spoken Word.
You are always welcome just to stop by and visit for a while.